Wolrd of Trans

Wolrd of Trans

SKU: 22601933 Categorías: ,


Curated and directed by the filmmaker and visual artist Santi Zegarra, World of Trans is a collective NFT space made of artworks about Trans identity people created by artists from different countries such as Korea, France, Argentina, Peru and the United States. This project seeks to contribute to the visibility of Trans community with a collective portrait created in different latitudes and social contexts.


By buying NFTs from this collection you are supporting the Miss T France Association and collaborating to finance part of the fiction feature film, PUCALLPA, by Santi Zegarra.



Trans girls from elsewhere


“Trans woman from elsewhere” by Santi Zegarra -the first NFT collection of the World of Trans project- builds a series of portraits of young Trans migrant women who came to the city with the desire to live their identity freely, in search of a woman-world of their own.

The collection aims to deepen into Trans and migrant identity. In a globalized world that uniforms consumptions, habits and ways of living, in a world of fallen promises over distant and devastated latitudes, being Transgender is a self-vindication of the right to exist.

Stigmatized and even forced in their homeland, Trans women who participate in this collection have struggled to build their own path, a new life under the lights of the big city. But reality is complex, and there, at those city centers, these Trans women are confrontated to the exoticism of the patriarchal society that looks at them as simple objects of pleasure.

As a queer activist, Santi Zegarra decides to create a sensitive and direct narrative that exacerbates some elements of the cis-straight hegemonic beauty canon to sublimate the disruptive and disobedient beauty of these beautiful and mysterious Trans women.

The collection has the participation of 20 Trans women from different countries, mainly installed in Paris, a cosmopolitan city of the world.

To buy the collection go to https://opensea.io/es/collection/worldoftrans



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